(214) 550 - 6560
Call us Monday-Friday: 7.00 am - 6.30 pm

Pre-Primary Program: (2 Years - 3 Years)

Our Pre-Primary Program aids children from the age group 2 years – 3 years old. The Transition Program is an extension of the Toddler's Program. We offer a natural environment to children, to learn and progress at their own pace. Children work on specific Montessori materials and activities that develop the interest and fulfil the needs children have at this age.

Toilet training is a fundamental aspect of this program.  Children at this age are more sensitive and aware of the control of their body. Therefore, they contribute very willingly to the process of Toilet Training, which is a criteria for children to be promoted into the Primary class

Our aim for this age group is to familiarise children with the environment, work habits and routines of the school.

Children learn etiquette and enhance their practical life skills.  The Practical Life, Sensorial, Math and Language areas prepare the child for more abstract thinking and learning.                                                                                                                               

Children  are introduced to science exploration and geographic awareness using Montessori materials                                                                                                              

Our regular art, music and outdoor play activities widens the range of opportunities for children to use and expand their creativity, cognitive, language, literacy, listening and social skills                                                                                                                            

Our carefully prepared environment allows the children to have a positive experience and the opportunity to develop self-discipline and concentration.